Thursday, February 26, 2009

crackers, cookies and love

When I was a little girl, I remember sitting on the floor at my Grannys feet, hearing her tell a tail of me eating saltine crackers. She said I offered her one, and she said she couldnt eat it becasue of the salt. I carefully licked the cracker free of all the salt and offered it too her, saying, its ok now, all the salts gone and of course she ate it. Well, when I was a kid and she would tell that story, I thought, gross, period. GROSS. Wellllll, now I have nephews, 4 of them. My brothers kids, I see a lot. Daniel, the oldest was eating Oreos at my house. (Oh yea, you know where this is going) Daniel loves Oreos, what kid (adult) doesnt love Oreos, anyway, he licked off the center and says, Lori... want the cookie? That sweet face looking at me, holding that cookie, how was I to resist. I said of course I want the cookie. That was the sweetest cookie ever! 

Now I understand why my Granny ate the saltine cracker, and why she loved that story!

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